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Ruby H. Slade 

Founder of

Nuts About Health, Inc.

“Without a vision, the people perish. No truer words have ever been spoken.

I have witnessed firsthand the frustration and downward spiral of people who speak of victory but never achieve their stated goals because they lack vision.

Vision, combined with hard work, is the only way to move a project and a people forward. It is for these reasons that I founded Nuts About Health, Inc”.

Andrew Almond


My name is Andrew. I'm an almond that really cares about living a healthy life.

Click on me or use the menu to visit my study.

Walter Walnut


The name's Walter. I'm the strongest walnut you'll ever meet. I care about keeping my body in tip-top shape. How about you? Do you like to work out?

Click on me or use the menu to stop by my gym sometime. We'll work together!

Priscilla Peanut

Hi. I'm Priscilla.

I'm a calorie-watching peanut that really cares about looking my best.


Click on me or use the menu to see what's on my plate.


Want to spend more time with us? Check out the Going Nuts About Health TV Show!

Tuesdays at 10:00 am

Sundays at 11:30 pm


On Connecticut Citizens TV via Comcast. Channel 26

Enlist in the Army to Slay the Obesity Monster!


Basic Training:

Andrew’s Nutrition Education

Walter’s Fitness Training

Priscilla’s Mind over Matter 

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Each newsletter will encourage you to keep up the fight against bad mental, physical and intellectual health.

Ever wanted to know what coach Dawn's eating plan is? 


Click this link and have your  question answered.


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Content copyright 2017. Nuts About Health . All rights reserved.

New Haven, CT 06511 • P: (203) 562-8856 

Designed by: Creative Strength Designs

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